Theft involves unlawfully taking property belonging to someone else without their permission, even if the intent is not to keep the property permanently. The act extends to using another person's property for personal gain, regardless of the belief in having a right to the property.

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Break and enter entails unlawfully entering a building or property with the intention to commit an offence inside. The crime does not necessitate forced entry; simply being on premises without authorization to commit an offence constitutes break and enter.

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Robbery is classified under Section 343 of the Canadian Criminal Code as an act of theft where violence or the threat of violence is employed. This distinguishes robbery from other forms of property crime, like theft or break and enter.

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Extortion involves compelling someone to hand over property, money, or services through the use of threats, violence, or coercive tactics. The demand can include a wide array of items or actions taken against the victim's will.

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Arson is defined as deliberately or carelessly causing damage through fire or explosion to any property or structure. The Criminal Code specifies five categories of arson: those committed with disregard for human life, involving one's own property, causing damage to property, with the intent for fraud, and due to negligence.

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Mischief refers to the deliberate vandalism or damage to property that renders it dangerous, inoperable, or otherwise unusable. Charges of mischief may also arise from actions that prevent others from using their property as they are legally entitled to.

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