Theft involves unlawfully acquiring someone else's property without their permission, unless you sincerely believe that you have rightful ownership of the said property.

The underlying intent doesn't necessarily have to involve permanent possession of the property. The offence also includes actions of converting someone else's property for your personal gain.

Categories of Theft-Related Offences

Robbery s. 343: Engaging in theft while employing or threatening the use of force. The presence of violence distinguishes robbery from mere theft.

Motor Vehicle Theft s. 333.1: Illicitly procuring or pilfering any category of motor vehicle.

Misappropriation by an Individual with Power of Attorney s 331: Utilizing or profiting from cash, securities, or property that you are entrusted to manage for another individual.

Credit Card Theft, Forgery, etc., s. 342: Unlawfully acquiring, forging, or counterfeiting a credit card as well as holding, using, or trafficking a credit card while being aware that it was illicitly obtained, created, altered, revoked, or cancelled.

Reach out at (855) 585-1777 for a complimentary consultation with a criminal lawyer. Discover how we can assist you with your theft accusation.

Potential Consequences for Theft

Theft is classified as a hybrid offence, which implies that the offence can be prosecuted either summarily or by way of indictment. Section 334 of the Criminal Code segregates theft based on the value of the purloined property: theft above $5,000 and theft below $5,000.

Theft Exceeding $5,000: This is an indictable offence with a maximum sentence of ten years imprisonment. The same penalty could apply if the stolen property was a testamentary instrument.

Theft Not Exceeding $5,000: Indictable offence with a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment. Lesser penalties may apply if the offence is processed as a summary conviction. Bear in mind that penalties can vary based on the specific theft charge. Dial (855) 585-1777 for a free lawyer consultation to discuss the potential sentencing outcomes for your theft case.

Prerequisites for a Theft Conviction

To secure a conviction for theft, the Crown prosecutor must establish the following elements:

  • Intent: The accused intended to illicitly procure the item in question. Absence of
  • Lack of Consent: The accused had no permission to acquire the item in question.
  • Lack of Ownership: Provide proof that the item in question was owned by someone else.

Dial (855) 585-1777 to consult with a lawyer about the robustness of your theft case.

Don’t Face Your Theft Charge Alone

An experienced criminal defence lawyer is essential when facing a theft charge. They can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, protect your rights, and develop a strong defence strategy tailored to your specific case.

Need a Lawyer? Get a Free Consultation With a Skilled Defence Lawyer

Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have been charged with forgery. Call (855) 585-1777 and a skilled criminal defence lawyer will discuss your case with you and explore your options.

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