Section 141(1): Compounding and Concealing Indictable Offences

Section 141(1) of the Criminal Code prohibits the act of compounding or concealing an indictable offence.

Compounding Indictable Offences

Compounding refers to the act of someone who can report a crime, agreeing with the offender to not report the offence in exchange for any form of “valuable consideration”. This would be called a “hush money” settlement in popular television shows. The offender would contact key witnesses and possibly the victim and attempt to exchange money or other exchange of valuables for the witness’s silence in order to prevent the offender from facing charges.

Concealing Indictable Offences

Meanwhile, concealing an offence is about covering up an offence from authorities. This can range from lying or misleading investigators, hiding evidence, or interfering in the investigation.

The act of compounding or concealing indictable offences is illegal due to the principles of fairness, transparency, and impartiality in the justice system. Section 141(1) supports these principles and helps to ensure all responsible parties being held accountable for their illegal actions.

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